Free Registration NPS (Nikon Professional Services) Membership

1. Is NPS membership chargeable?
No, NPS membership is free of charge.

2. Who can be a NPS members?
A working full time photographer who owned a registered photography related business in Malaysia.


An official photographer working in a registered business in Malaysia
An authorization letter (printed on a registered company letter head) indicating that the applicant is the official photographer attached to the company is required.


Owned 2 professional bodies (D200, D300, D2 Series, D700, D3 Series) and 3 professional Nikkor lenses.
Only registered cameras, lenses and accessories will be entitled to benefits of NPS

3. Is there any expiration date for the NPS membership?Yes, the NPS membership will last for 24 months, upon expiration the NPS office will mail out a renewal form to the member.

4. I am a freelance photographer and I do own a range of Nikon Professional Equipment. Am I eligible to join the NPS?
The NPS main objective is to provide a better service for Professional Photographer who works/engaged with a registered company/organization. However if a professional photographer who is not working with any company can still apply for the membership but subject to approval.
Photographers under the freelance categories will have to include a write up on his/her photographic experiences including information and images of (paid) jobs taken in the past 2 years in place of the authorization letter required.

5. I am a self employed photographer with a registered business. Am I required to mail in an authorization/recommendation letter?
Yes, the authorization/recommendation letter printed on your company letter head is still required, you can do a brief write-up about your role in the company.

Click here to register.

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