Inspire+ Seminar by Louis Pang on 1st August - Penang

This is an intensive photography and business coaching from Louis Pang. Left brain and right brain. Art and business. Instincts and strategic planning. Are you ready to quit being a starving artist and build a thriving photography business?

Registration & Lunch { 11:30am-1pm }

Light, Camera, Action { 1:00-2:30pm }
Photography is the art of painting with light. Learn how Louis see & manage light from dawn to dusk. With field-tested light modifiers, explore how light can be shaped. Louis will demonstrate of his lighting techniques in live audience.

Tea Break { 2:30-3:00pm }

Say “Cheese!” { 3:00- 4:00pm }
Posing terrifies most photographers. See how Louis makes it fun, creative & effective. You’ll learn to pose & light groups and individuals confidently.

Tea Break { 4:00-4:30pm }

Business: for love & money { 4:30-5:45pm }
Is it for love? Or is it for money? Louis does it for both and he wants to show you how. Every aspect of the business of photography is covered: marketing, pricing, closing sales, contracts, packaging.

Let’s Mingle { 5:45-6:45pm }

More info

The Speaker
Louis Pang is an internationally sought after photographer and speaker. He is a the first Asia-based photographer to speak at Wedding & Portrait Photographers International (WPPI) convention, the world’s largest wedding photography conference held annually at Las Vegas, USA. He has been a featured speaker for Asukabook, Epson, Lastolite, Nikon and Think Tank Photo.

Louis is one of four Grand Award winners of WPPI print competition in 2009. It was a historical feat as it marked the first time the Grand Award went to Asia. To date, Louis had won eight WPPI awards. He is also one of fifty international judges who judged the WPPI’s prestigious Accolades of Excellence print competition in Las Vegas.

A passionate & inspirational educator, Louis runs WedShooter.TV, an online educational portal for wedding photographers.

Louis makes his home at the picturesque east Malaysian state of Sabah. Together with his wife, Jasmine, they run a thriving photography studio.

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