The 2010 ShootQ Grant of $12,000 to Be Given to Photographer !!!

How to apply


Please submit the following materials on a CD or DVD.
  • One-page proposal (600 words maximum) describing the project. It must be a photographic project that raises public awareness about an important social, environmental or economic issue. Name this file "proposal" and submit as a .doc, .txt or .rtf file.
  • A short narrative bio (250 words maximum) summarizing your previous work and experience. Be sure to include information about your wedding or portrait business, including how long you've been in business. Please tell us about any other businesses you own or job positions you currently have. Name this file "bio" and submit as a .doc, .txt or .rtf file.
  •  Up to 20 photographs that depict either
    •  Current work you have already done on the project.
    •  Work from another project you have completed or is in progress or
    • A portfolio of your favorite work.
    • Photographs should be submitted digitally. Do not submit slides or prints.
    • Photographs should be submitted as RGB or grayscale JPEG files only.
    • Images should be 1600 pixels on the longest dimension.
    • Name your photos sequentially so the proper presentation order is preserved. (01.jpg, 02.jpg, 03.jpg).
    • Do not include letters in the file names.
  • A corresponding caption list that briefly describes each photograph submitted in your application. Name this file "captions" and submit as a .doc, .txt or .rtf file.
  •  Proposed budget for your project. Budget can be lesser or greater than grant amount. Name this file "budget" and submit as a .doc, .txt or .rtf file.
  • Detailed Schedule of when you expect to begin and complete the project. Name this file "schedule" and submit as a .doc, .txt or .rtf file.
  • Three References with complete contact information - name, phone, email. References can be mentors, colleagues, friends or co-workers. Anybody but family because we know your mom loves you! Name this file "references" and submit as a .doc, .txt or .rtf file.


Complete submissions, with all eight items mentioned above, must be received by ShootQ Grant by 5:00 pm (Eastern Standard Time) on Friday, August 27, 2010. We will send an email notifying you that we received your submission. We cannot be responsible for mail delays or undelivered submissions. So submit early!

Winner Announcement

The ShootQ Grant recipient will be announced approximately four weeks after the submission deadline.


Submit applications to:
ShootQ Grant
1270 Caroline Street
Suite D120-421
Atlanta, GA 30307

Tips for Preparing Your Proposal

Meet the mission of the ShootQ grant.

Explain how your project will educate the public and raise awareness about a specific issue.

Project must be achievable and realistic in scope and cost.

Carefully include each item outlined above in the Application Process.

More information please visit ShootQ website.

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